This is a Youtube clone which has all the latest features as in official youtube application and supports real time recommending related to users videos preference.It uses real time api fetching for live and recorded videos.AISHALA WEBSITE
This is a educational institute website which i built in my last internship. it has all the useful features such as teachers can post content such as lectures , videos and students can access the courses details , programs , contact the adminstration , etc.SPOTIFY CLONE
This is a fully functioning spotify clone website which is made by using html,css and java script.The users can listen to their favourite songs for free using this website.You can easily navigate from one song to other and the name and duration of the cureent song being played gets displayed accordingly.GYM WEBSITE WITH BOTH FRONTEND AND BACKEND
This website is made by using html,css and java script in the front end and using mongodb and javascript as the backend.It consists of various sections and user can easily navigate to different pages using navigation bar.It also consist of a form which when filled provides us with the details entered by the user and the data gets stored in the database(mongodb)